Saturday, December 17, 2005

Scott Parkin and Terry Lane.

Sunday sees the retiremement of Terry Lane . Sad to see the old bastard go. Have enjoyed his quick and clever mind for many years. From christian minister to giving up on the 'god thang'. Sure, he has plans to continue ,slightly,but his departure will be a great loss. He showed his usual spunk on last weeks edition of, " The National Interest", when he interviewed Julian Birnside, about the case of Scott Parkin.

An American citizen, who was held in custody,disposed of,with a large quasi-fine,for reasons we may never know. Thus, is the likely fate of all local citizens who rub the nose of our cold Attourney-General. To quote Birnside Q.c,we are on the virge of "totalitarianism". Find last weeks interview around here and a goodby kiss to Terry.

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