I have posted around the Blogosphere,in Australia, about the case of Scott Parkin. A political peace ,activist from Houston,Texas, who visited this country and was deported as a threat to national security. It was leaked through a national paper that he had been involved in behaviour that sounds far from peacefull.
My concern relates to the 'secrecy' of his case, in what I imagined was a democracy. Attourney-general Ruddock refused to tell us why this bloke was picked up, put in solitary confinement and asked to pay around 8,000 dollars for the experience.
Then came a leak from Greg Sheridan of The Australian. Allegations totally denied by Parkin and associates. He is deemed a foreigner and not worthy of a fair go. Due process is falling down in this country. This is not the first case, but indicative of a lock up without law mentality and SECRECY. I believe we are moving towards a police state. With the sad compliance of the Labor Party.