Ring Ring.......... Hello, I am doing a little survey that won't take long.
First question,
Is your partner female or male?
In what year was she born?
In what month was she born?
Are you married to her?
In which country was your partner born?
Were her parents born in Australia?
Is she currently in paid employment?
What's her occupation?
What's her highest educational qualification?
Is your partner married, never married or divorced?
How many times has your partner been married?
How old was she when she first got married?
Excluding yourself, with how many other partners has your partner had a live in relationship of six months or more?
How old was she when she first had a live in relationship?
Are you the parent of any children that are not living with you?
How many?
Starting with the oldest, can you tell me their age, sex and month of birth?
Is your partner also the parent of these children?
Is your partner the parent of any other children that are not living with you?
How many?
Starting with the oldest, can you tell me their age and sex?
Now some questions about your partner's health:-
In the last 12months has she smoked cigarettes?
In the last 12 months has she drunk any form of alcohol?
Would that be daily, weekly, or less often?
On a day that she had alcohol how many drinks would she usually have?
Has she used cannabis?
Does she have diabetes or high blood sugar?
Is she currently taking medication prescribed by a doctor for high blood pressure, for a heart condition, for depression?
Does she have a condition or disability that hinders her mobility?
Has she ever had surgery that has had an ongoing, negative or undesirable impact on her sexual activity for example a treatment for breast or bowel cancer?
Has your partner ever been pregnant?
Has she had a tubal ligation?
Has she had an ovary removed?
Has she had a hysterectomy?
Is she currently taking an oral contraceptive like the pill?
Is she currently using HRT or similar therapy?
Has she had a menstrual period in the last 12 months?
In the last 12 months with how many different females have you had any form of sexual experience?
Other than your partner who you live with, do you currently have a regular female sexual partner or partners?
The next questions are about your relationships with your live in partner:-
How old were you when this relationship began?
How old were you when you had sex with her for the first time?
How old were you when you first met?
Do you expect to be in this relationship in 12 months time?
Do you expect that she would have sex only with you?
Do you expect to have sex only with her?
Has she had any other sex partners in the last 12 months?
When was the last time you had sex with your live in partner?
How many times in the past four weeks have you had sex with her?
In the last 12 months have you had intercourse with her during her period?
The next few questions are about your last sexual experience with her:-
The last time you had sex with her did you kiss, cuddle or hug, stroke her body, perform oral sex on her?
Did you stimulate her vaginal area with your hand?
Have vaginal intercourse?
Did she stroke your body?
Did she perform oral sex on you?
Did she stimulate your penis with her hand?
Did she stimulate herself with her hand?
Did she have an orgasm?
The last time you had any sex with a female was it with her?
In the last 12 months have you engaged in swinging or partner swapping?
In the last 12 months has your partner injected drugs that were not prescribed for her?
Does your partner have a particular religion or faith?
What is your approximate family income before tax and other deductions?
This is the pilot questionaire that La Trobe University tested out on a few unsuspecting individuals. One victim of this gross invasion of privacy contacted ABC's Health Report to complain. Her boyfriend had answered the questions without her consent. The full transcript is available here.